When Skip Smalls begged his parents for a dog, he should have been more specific. For his 10th birthday, they finally acquiesce and give him Bleeker ― a rechargeable dog equipped with Spock-like sensibilities and his own programmable training manual.
Skip is an average kid with an above-average dog. He struggles to enjoy dog ownership as he adapts to Bleeker’s buggy operating system. While some dogs may chew shoes, Bleeker opens the garage door and turns off the TV when he scratches himself! As a result, Skip has technical support on speed dial. However, there are benefits to having a dog that is computer-literate and runs on batteries. Bleeker helps to keep accident-prone Skip out of harm’s way and even assists him with his homework. Despite some glitches, Skip is learning a lot about his electronic dog ― and himself ― during the training process.